I watched this movie on HBO last nite... yeah2... citer lama, tp xde can nak g tgk masa kluar dulu, huhuhu...
this movie is truly about marriage... how man & woman trust each other, believe in each other's dream & finally tied the not to prove it... but life is never been easy... ups & down, happy & sorrow, the best & the worst...
there's something we should agree & think of here... man is always full of dreams & hope, sometimes realistic & most of the time not, haha... btw, it depends on the capacity & ability towards it. in this movie, it shown that Frank had boasting a girl, later his wife abt his past life & future dreams... as a lady, got impressed, later got pregnant, married & then the real story begin...
as the lady, April who dreamed to be an actress, marriage is absolutely will destroy everything... even though at first she seems happy, but inside it had started to falling apart....
they both make a stunning couple, makes everybody in the neighborhood envy them, yet loved them & called them 'perfect'... but nothing such as perfect at all..
the movie ended when April took her life, i believed unintentionally, by trying to do a self-abortion at home...
as for the actors (diCaprio & Winslet), they'd portrayed the character beautifully... ever since titanic, i've seen they worked so hard to prove that they're a talented actors instead of the popularity of the movie then... they both got a nomination in golden globe & Winslet even won it for the best actress category...
pengajaran? bukan mudah utk melayari sebuah perkahwinan... saya percaya, semua wanita terpikat dgn pasangannya krn dia mempunyai misi & visi yg tersendiri dlm hidup... tak kisahlah, sama ada nak jd kaya ke, terkenal ke, atau cuma utk jd ordinary people with an ordinary life dgn cara yg tersendiri... tp kadangkala impian itu tak dpt nak ditunaikan sbb byk lg tanggungjawab yg lain yg harus ditunaikan... byk halangan yg tak dpt diselesaikan dgn mudah... duit, masa, komitmen dll...
sbg isteri, lambat laun kadang kala sukar utk menerima hakikat itu... hakikat bahawa impian yg pernah diangan-angankan makin hari makin pudar... maka akan timbul kemudian rasa tak puas hati, kecewa, bosan dll... hendak diluahkan, rasa bersalah krn masih cinta, tp nak disimpan rasa terbeban & tersiksa... akhirnya, jika tak bijak mengawal emosi & kurang iman, berlakulah perkara-perkara yg tak diingini...
so... peringatan ini adalah utk diri sendiri, terimalah seadanya... jika apa yg diimpikan tidak mampu dilaksanakan, masih ada harapan lain yg boleh ditunaikan... cipta sesuatu yg baru, bersyukur dgn kurniaan, tabah dgn dugaan & redha dgn segala ujian... semoga perjalanan yg baru 3 thn ini akan terus diharungi dgn tabah & iman, insya Allah....
this movie is truly about marriage... how man & woman trust each other, believe in each other's dream & finally tied the not to prove it... but life is never been easy... ups & down, happy & sorrow, the best & the worst...
there's something we should agree & think of here... man is always full of dreams & hope, sometimes realistic & most of the time not, haha... btw, it depends on the capacity & ability towards it. in this movie, it shown that Frank had boasting a girl, later his wife abt his past life & future dreams... as a lady, got impressed, later got pregnant, married & then the real story begin...
as the lady, April who dreamed to be an actress, marriage is absolutely will destroy everything... even though at first she seems happy, but inside it had started to falling apart....
they both make a stunning couple, makes everybody in the neighborhood envy them, yet loved them & called them 'perfect'... but nothing such as perfect at all..
the movie ended when April took her life, i believed unintentionally, by trying to do a self-abortion at home...
as for the actors (diCaprio & Winslet), they'd portrayed the character beautifully... ever since titanic, i've seen they worked so hard to prove that they're a talented actors instead of the popularity of the movie then... they both got a nomination in golden globe & Winslet even won it for the best actress category...
pengajaran? bukan mudah utk melayari sebuah perkahwinan... saya percaya, semua wanita terpikat dgn pasangannya krn dia mempunyai misi & visi yg tersendiri dlm hidup... tak kisahlah, sama ada nak jd kaya ke, terkenal ke, atau cuma utk jd ordinary people with an ordinary life dgn cara yg tersendiri... tp kadangkala impian itu tak dpt nak ditunaikan sbb byk lg tanggungjawab yg lain yg harus ditunaikan... byk halangan yg tak dpt diselesaikan dgn mudah... duit, masa, komitmen dll...
sbg isteri, lambat laun kadang kala sukar utk menerima hakikat itu... hakikat bahawa impian yg pernah diangan-angankan makin hari makin pudar... maka akan timbul kemudian rasa tak puas hati, kecewa, bosan dll... hendak diluahkan, rasa bersalah krn masih cinta, tp nak disimpan rasa terbeban & tersiksa... akhirnya, jika tak bijak mengawal emosi & kurang iman, berlakulah perkara-perkara yg tak diingini...
so... peringatan ini adalah utk diri sendiri, terimalah seadanya... jika apa yg diimpikan tidak mampu dilaksanakan, masih ada harapan lain yg boleh ditunaikan... cipta sesuatu yg baru, bersyukur dgn kurniaan, tabah dgn dugaan & redha dgn segala ujian... semoga perjalanan yg baru 3 thn ini akan terus diharungi dgn tabah & iman, insya Allah....
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